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AACA will be participating in the annual Lee Bottom Airport, (64I – Hanover IN) Wood, Fabric and Tailwheels Fly-In on September 25. This annual fly-in, staged on a beautiful 4,000 ft. grass strip next to the Ohio River, is an aviation event full of fun, friends and many lasting memories!

While the main day is Saturday September 25, there is a really neat, big barbecue on Friday night; while Saturday night features Pizza and movies shown on an old barn side.

We are inviting all of our members to join in the fun.
 Just go to www.leebottom.com and click on “events” for all the details. On this site you will be able to purchase advanced admission, tickets to the barbecue and pizza nights, arrange for lodging and transportation and obtain fly-in or drive-in notices.

When you register to attend with Lee Bottom, please enter your AACA member number after your last name. 
Also, send an E-mail to kent@americanaircampers.com to let us know you will be attending.

Most folks arrive at Lee Bottom on Friday afternoon and leave Sunday morning. You are welcome to come and camp earlier, but keep in mind you will be in charge of your own transportation and food if you arrive before Friday. Bring your own tie downs and if you will be camping on-field, plan on pitching your tent by the hillside.

We hope to see lots of AACA members at Lee Bottom. It will be a hoot! Make plans now to attend.

One Response to “Fly-in at Lee Bottom (64I)”

  1. breast augmentation surgery

    Fly-in at Lee Bottom (64I) « AmericanAirCamper Blog

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